Grissom's Grammar and Composition

This blog is for any student writing papers for college, for current and former students in my Communications Cluster at Lindenwood University, and my students at St. Charles Community College.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Library Class Tonight Tuesday April 28th

We will meet at Butler library at 6 p.m. for the tour, then we will adjourn to a room with computers. Check the campus map for directions and parking info.

Please sign in when you arrive, so I can record your attendance.

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Monday, April 20, 2009 Information for Lindenwood Classes

I have created classes on for both Lindenwood sections. You may now go to the website and create a profile. Be sure to do this before attempting to turn in any papers, or it will reject them. I only want the final version of your paper - no drafts are necessary.

To submit a paper, you will need the class number for your night and the password, which I will give you in class this week.

Class Numbers:
2699060 Monday Communications Cluster Lindenwood Spring 2009
2699063 Wednesday Communications Cluster Lindenwood Spring 2009

Let me know if you have questions.

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