When is it Right to Be Wrong?
This article discusses the difference between literal correctness and awkwardess in writing. I happen to agree with the author of the piece - yes, even though the subject is singular, I think the plural pronoun is less awkward here. And I love the E.B. White quote at the end:"The ear must be quicker than the handbook."
So even though it is correct to say "May I ask when my article will be published," it sounds a bit cranky to me. So I subsitute "can" which literally means do I have the ability to ask the question rather than asking permission- but also sound more laid-back. We've used it wrong so often, it is starting to be right.
So even though it is correct to say "May I ask when my article will be published," it sounds a bit cranky to me. So I subsitute "can" which literally means do I have the ability to ask the question rather than asking permission- but also sound more laid-back. We've used it wrong so often, it is starting to be right.
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